this game was in salt lake at the 'colts' place and sadly, we lost, but tyler did great! he got lots of people out and got on base a few times. here's some in action:
note: the colt's field was NOT the best place to take pictures because, yeah. it just wasn't. but thank the heavens for good, large lenses!! if we didn't have that, this post would not be good. at all.
okay, this one is by FAR my favorite ;) {click on it to enlarge it!}
bahahahaha!! your favorite is my favorite... baha
when micah saw it. he was like "WOW DOES HE ONLY HAVE ONE ARM!!!"
it made me giggle
Audrie, you're doing a great job taking pictures! These are awesome and some day Tyler is going to really appreciate them! Thank you!
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